Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Soothing Spray

Little Sibyl is one week old now, and she's an absolute dream, bright-eyed and snuggly and perfect. Birth was hard, but she is worth it, and while she snuggles sweetly in my arms, I thought I'd share a little recipe that's making life easier right now.

In preparing for the birth I put together a soothing spray:

* 5 drops copaiba essential oil
* 5 drops frankincense essential oil
* 5 drops helichrysum essential oil
* 2 Tbsp. V6 vegetable oil blend
* 2 Tbsp. witch hazel
*1/4 cup water

This spray was an absolute lifesaver in helping to prep my pelvic floor for birth, and it's very soothing now as I recover. It's also coming in handy for the sundry outdoor irritations that inevitably happen when the kids play in the woods all day, so I'm pretty sure it's going to be a staple in our home from now on. It doesn't hurt that it smells divine!

Frankincense and copaiba are some of my favorite oils to use on a daily basis. Helichrysum is something of an investment oil, but it is worth every penny--this is the oil that first convinced my skeptical husband that there's a lot more going on than just the placebo effect! I definitely wanted to make use of powerful oil in preparing for and recovering from birth, but for everyday use I may experiment with replacing some or all of the helichrysum with a more affordable oil such as lavender.

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